TYPSA continues to reduce its carbon footprint in Spain

The TYPSA Group, being well aware of the problem that climate change represents today and the impact that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have on it, has developed two main action strategies, acquiring a high level of business commitment in this field. 

The first strategy is aligned from a corporate point of view, TYPSA calculates the carbon footprint generated by its own activity as a consulting and engineering company since 2013. TYPSA carbon footprints in Spain for scopes 1.2 and 3 are calculated and verified in accordance with ISO 14064:2019. 

In addition, TYPSA has all its carbon footprints registered in the Carbon Footprint Registry, Compensation and Carbon Dioxide Absorption Projects of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition, having been the first engineering company in Spain to receive the seal of calculation and reduction of carbon footprint in 2016 and maintaining that reduction until the last registered footprints, 2020 and 2021. Currently it continues to reduce its GHG emissions by more than 20% since 2013 as evidenced by the seal obtained for the year 2021. 

As a sign that this commitment is fully internalized throughout the structure of TYPSA in Spain, it is worth mentioning the recognition granted to the office of Catalonia, on June 20, 2023, on the accession to the Programme of voluntary agreements for the reduction of greenhouse gases of the Catalan Office for Climate Change (COCC). 

The second strategy to combat climate change is being developed by TYPSA within the scope of its designs, from the Environmental Consulting and Assessment Division itself, integrating the climate change variable in all design phases. The objective is to mitigate GHG emissions and incorporate climate change adaptation measures into designs, to develop truly resilient infrastructure committed to the fight against climate change. 

Nuria Mesonero
Coordinator of the Climate Change Section

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